About Us

My love of live bands, artwork and all things creative, saw an emerging fascination with all things to do with screen printing and graphic design.

Having a background in small business management, humble beginnings saw things start up in a modest design studio. Designing and screen printing my own designs for local musos and finding a need in the industry for something with a little more punch, I created Saligia. I then discovered a small handful of like minded artists with similar outlooks and visions and then began creating.

Family is of highest priority in my life, next to music and work. The people i work with are like an extension of my own family. We simply love to create.

Get into our gear and enjoy!


My curiosity with the seven deadly sins within my life and others gave the brand the name SALIGIA without too much hesitation.

Saligia (pronounced (sah_lij_eeah) is the word created from the first letter of each deadly sin in ancient Latin.

S - Superbia (pride)

A - Avaritia (greed)

L - Luxuria (lust)

I - Invidia (envy)

G - Gula (gluttony)

I - Ira (wrath)

A - Acedia (sloth)

What sins are you guilty of?